😊 Customer Satisfaction Makes Us #CLIproud in Ohio!

When your top customer invites your plant manager to their plant meeting, and you get the surprise of your career! Sometimes this type of meeting is negative, and you are put in the hot spot, but this time, it was a CLI-defining surprise! 😊

During the meeting, our plant manager, Ralph, was called to the front to stan of more than 30 plant management team members. Our customer leader, Chris, spoke about how challenging certain production tasks can be for both teams. At that moment, Chris put his arm around Ralph, introduced him to the team, and explained that some production tasks are even more difficult for CLI than for the customer’s team. Chris emphasized that CLI is a valued partner and expressed his appreciation for our hard work.

To make the moment even more remarkable, the team started clapping and several members came forward to shake Ralph’s hand. It was a truly memorable career moment and a powerful reminder of the importance of collaboration and recognition.

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